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Scholarship details

2025 RTP round -Towards Net-Zero of High-Demand Community Centres: Integrating Conventional and Innovative Systems.

Status: Open

Applications open: 1/07/2024
Applications close: 18/08/2024

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About this scholarship


Project Overview

The proposed PhD project seeks to address the critical issue of energy management in highly impacting community spaces such as leisure and aquatic centres, explicitly focusing on the Cockburn ARC as a case study. These facilities promote community health and well-being by hosting various sports events, physiotherapy sessions, and sports team practices. Despite their importance, leisure and aquatic centres are significant energy consumers, often ranking among city councils' top energy users. Despite efforts to ensure these facilities contribute towards the National goal of reaching net zero by 2050 by drastically decreasing their energy consumption, leisure centres can consume up to 3,000 MWh for electricity and over 10 TJ of gas yearly (as declared by the industry partner Cockburn ARC). Against this backdrop, this research aims to develop innovative solutions to reduce the energy consumption of these facilities, ensuring their long-term sustainability and continued ability to serve the community.



The primary objective of this PhD project is to pioneer innovative, tailored energy management strategies for large energy consumers such as leisure and aquatic centres. These strategies will revolve around the integration of alternative energy production and storage systems, such as geothermal energy and innovative concrete and water pool storage solutions. We also plan to leverage the power of digital twins to optimize energy use. The research will delve into both conventional and novel energy systems, including geothermal energy, solar power, wind turbines, and battery storage. It aims to provide a comprehensive approach to reducing energy consumption and maximizing energy efficiency in these facilities. Circular economy strategies will also be implemented to reduce waste production within the centres. Importantly, we will explore the potential of digital twins, sophisticated digital replicas of physical assets, to enhance real-time energy monitoring and user engagement. This technology will provide precise insights into energy usage patterns and enable proactive energy management, allowing for the timely adjustment of energy consumption based on real-time data. Through our research, we aim to develop a comprehensive and adaptable energy management framework tailored explicitly to leisure and aquatic centres' unique needs. By showcasing the successful integration of alternative energy production and storage systems and the implementation of digital twins for real-time energy monitoring and user engagement, we aim to provide a blueprint that other similar facilities can follow to reduce their energy consumption and improve their sustainability. Our goal is to create a model that is effective but also practical and scalable, allowing it to be easily replicated in various leisure and aquatic centres worldwide.



1. Conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of current energy management practices and technologies used in leisure and aquatic centres worldwide to identify best practices and areas for improvement.  
- Method: SLR + Meta-Analysis 
2. Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of various conventional energy systems in leisure centres, such as geothermal, solar, wind, and battery storage, to reduce energy consumption, reduce emissions related to transport and commuting, and assess the integration of circular economy practices to address waste production. 
- Method: a case study. 
3. Analyse the potential benefits, both economic and environmental, of integrating energy flow in concrete energy storage systems within leisure facilities. 
- Method: observational and exploratory study. 
4. Investigate water use in swimming pools as an energy storage system to maintain warmth and reduce energy usage, exploring innovative heat retention and recovery methods.  
- Method: observational and exploratory study. 
5. Develop and implement digital twins to monitor real-time energy movement within the building, enabling proactive energy management and identifying opportunities for energy savings. Utilise the digital twins to engage users in energy-saving practices and educate them about sustainable energy management. 
- Method: digital twin and living laboratory.



This research is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it addresses the urgent need for sustainable energy management in leisure and aquatic centres, which are essential for community wellbeing but pose environmental challenges due to their energy-intensive operations. By exploring a combination of conventional and innovative energy systems, the project aims to provide practical, scalable solutions that can be implemented in similar facilities worldwide, thereby contributing to global efforts to reduce energy consumption and combat climate change. Furthermore, using digital twins represents a cutting-edge approach to energy management, offering unprecedented insights into energy usage patterns and enabling more informed decision-making. The outcomes of this research have the potential to significantly impact the broader field of sustainable urban development, providing a replicable model for energy-efficient practices in public facilities and enhancing the overall sustainability of community centres.

An internship may be available for this project. The applicant may ensure an internship with the research industry partner Cockburn ARC. Since this PhD position hinges on the study of large emitters such as leisure centres, the internship opportunity at the Cockburn Aquatic and Recreation Centre (ARC) in Perth, in collaboration with the City of Cockburn, is a unique chance to work on sustainable energy management strategies. The PhD student will be involved in researching and implementing innovative energy systems, such as geothermal, solar, wind, and battery storage, to reduce energy consumption and enhance sustainability. Working closely in the facility of study is also a perfect approach for applying the methodologies described in the Objectives categories, including the case study method and living laboratory, and it also allows for in-depth observations when applying the digital twin system. 
Additionally, they care considering a top-up, but at the time of this writing it was not possible to guarantee such a commitment; it might be planned on a later stage.


The project will receive substantial support from the School of Design and the Built Environment and the Curtin Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute. Together with Cockburn City and ARC, the student will have access to research facilities, equipment, data, and expertise, enabling comprehensive data collection, analysis, and implementation of energy management strategies. CUSP will offer practical support, including access to expert supervisors to implement energy-saving measures. The significance of this project for the School and the CUSP Institute lies in its potential to showcase innovative and sustainable practices in energy management within the built environment. It aligns with the School’s and Curtin University’s commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement, demonstrating their leadership in sustainable development. Additionally, the project provides valuable experiential learning opportunities for students and researchers, enhancing the institutions' reputation as leaders in sustainable design and policy. A minimum of three high-quality academic articles will be published within this PhD, and two more will be submitted.

  • Future Students
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Higher Degree by Research
  • Australian Citizen
  • Australian Permanent Resident
  • New Zealand Citizen
  • Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • International Student
  • Merit Based

The annual scholarship package, covering both stipend and tuition fees, amounts to approximately $70,000 per year.

In 2024, the RTP stipend scholarship offers $35,000 per annum for a duration of up to three years. Exceptional progress and adherence to timelines may qualify students for a six-month completion scholarship.

Selection for these scholarships involves a competitive process, with shortlisted applicants notified of outcomes by November 2024.

Scholarship Details


All applicable HDR courses.

We seek a PhD candidate with a solid technical background in energy management, sustainability, and net-zero operations. The ideal candidate should deeply understand energy systems, including renewable energy integration and energy efficiency measures. Experience conducting life cycle assessments (LCAs) to evaluate environmental impacts and familiarity with digital twin technology for real-time energy monitoring and management is highly desirable. Candidates should demonstrate strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and a passion for sustainable practices. Excellent communication and team collaboration abilities are also essential for this role.


Application process

Please send your CV, academic transcripts and brief rationale why you want to join this research project via the HDR expression of interest form to the project lead researcher, listed below. 

Enrolment Requirements

You must be enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research Course at Curtin University by March 2025.


Project Lead: Dr Roberto Minunno

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